When we were all gathered around the fire pit I felt a surge of knowing that the power and confidence we feel when connecting with like-minded peers is how we had originally evolved to feel most of the time. A word that encompasses what we all felt when sat together was ‘limitless’. We all have the potential to be the most extraordinary beings, the most perfect version of ourselves.

We became removed from ourselves by layers of conditioning- being told who we needed to be, what we needed to do in order to fit in, to play the role society expected of us. When we’re not living in authenticity then self-doubt begins to creep in followed by a lack of self-confidence, which both build up further disconnecting us from our true essence, our true selves. It’s like limescale building up on a pipe, gradually narrowing our perspective and ability to see the potential of our true selves.

How do we rebuild connection with ourselves?

Joining a community in which you all have the same values or doing an activity with people who enjoy the same things that you do is one way of beginning to build this relationship back with yourself. Having fun and embracing the benefits of doing something just for the sheer joy of it gives us gets the happy hormones such as serotonin and dopamine and gets endorphins surging around our bodies, washing away the stress and anxiety.

The other way in which you connect back to your inner self is through somatic practice. I have recently qualified as a Trauma Informed Somatic coach. As part of the sessions, we reconnect and heal our inner child using meditation and body scan techniques, work with psychotherapy systems such as the Internal Family System and we also learn simple practices which enable trauma to be released from the body and thus allow us to connect back with ourselves.

An easy example is:

Prayer hands

On an inhale, open your arms to your sides and then bring them overhead until your palms touch, on exhale, bring your hands down and in front of your heart.

This has a wonderful effect of bringing the energy of nature into our systems, enabling us to ground, calm, and release any tension.

The idea is that stress is stored in the body and by doing our inner work and tuning back to ourselves, we can develop practices that can release this stress from our bodies. This in turn helps us to remove the layers of disconnect that have occurred over the years and enables us to become the extraordinary people we were born to be.

We were all designed for experiencing a limitless life, in which we became the most amazing version of ourselves; it’s time to claim it!


Sally saw Angels as a child and could occasionally see and feel people who had passed over. This ability grew as she got older and she now gives readings, as well as channelling Ascended Masters. She often works with Mary Magdalene and channels information from Lord Kuthumi. She is available for readings and spiritual development sessions both online and in person (heaven2heart). 

Sally Heart