The regulation also updates the entrance fees in these spaces dependent on the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), according to the dispatch published on 4 August in Diário da República.

In the document, the Government justifies updating the regulation in force since 2014 with the “growth of tourist activity, as a result of which the cultural offer has diversified in recent years”.

Currently, admission to Museums, Monuments and Palaces under the responsibility of the DGPC is free on Sundays and holidays until 2 pm for all visitors.

As of September 1st, free access to museums, monuments and palaces in general (and not just on Sundays and public holidays) also covers children and young people up to the age of 12, unemployed visitors residing in the European Union, researchers, museology and/or heritage professionals, conservators and restorers, as long as they are in office, teachers and students of any higher education level, including Senior Universities and accredited professional training institutions on study visits, and groups with proven economic need.

As for discounts, the 50% remains for visitors aged 65 years or over, the same for young people between 13 and 24 years old, and “families, provided they consist of at least two members, one of them an adult and the other a minor”, in addition to the protocols.