Many people deny global warming, but interestingly, many of these also deny the efficacy of vaccines and Covid-19 generally. The conclusion may be that this group of people simply don’t trust governments, scientists or health professionals. This same group questions the motivation behind what we are being told. Are they right?
Overwhelming scientific evidence supports global warming
Scientists say that if left unchecked, the impact of global warming will spread and worsen, leading to greater loss of animals and biodiversity, water scarcity, and community disruption.
Rising sea levels also pose a threat to ecological resources. The inundation of coastal beaches, dunes and wetlands could degrade or destroy critical habitat for fish, plants, marine mammals and migratory birds. Rising sea levels will also allow salt water to enter and damage coastal estuaries, on which fish and wildlife currently depend on freshwater conditions.
Why would scientists say this if it’s not true?
This brings into question the motivation of scientists, not to mention doctors and general medical research. I suspect that most of our readers will speculate that these people are directed by politicians to say these things and put forward these opinions. The next question has to be why? In the case of vaccines, it’s highly likely that one response will be that it’s all to promote the profits of the pharmaceutical companies. When it comes to global warming, why would governments and politicians want to promote this, what would their agenda be?
I can’t see that global warming can benefit anyone. I also suspect that no government could achieve getting every scientist and researcher to say what they want them to say. Some might, and others will speak up and seek to discredit those who are just spouting government-based lies.
It’s China's fault
Donald Trump tweeted in 2012 “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive”. You will find a fairly extreme article on a site known as The Intercept. It’s titled “A Brief History of China’s Global Warming Hoax, From 1863 to Right Now”. According to this publication, “The Civil War was raging in the United States; Abraham Lincoln was president. And the Irish physicist John Tyndall proposed in a paper for the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science that variations in atmospheric composition could cause changes in the climate”.
The World Wildlife Fund says there are ten myths about climate change. You can read them all on their site, search for ten myths about climate change. The most relevant are (and I quote from WWF):
The earth’s climate has always changed.
Over the course of the Earth’s 4.5 billion-year history, the climate has changed a lot. This is true. But the rapid warming we’re seeing now can't be explained by natural cycles of warming and cooling. The kind of changes that would normally happen over hundreds of thousands of years are happening in decades.
Plants need carbon dioxide
Plants do need carbon dioxide (CO2) to live. Plants and forests remove and store away huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. But the problem is, there’s only so much carbon dioxide they can absorb, and this amount is getting less, as more and more forests are cut down across the world, largely to produce our food. CO2 itself does not cause problems. It's part of the natural global ecosystem. The problem is the quantity of CO2 that’s being produced by us as humans; there hasn’t been this level of CO2 in the atmosphere for 800,000 years.
Renewable energy is just a money-making scheme
It's a commonly held belief that renewable energy is expensive, but this simply isn’t true! Solar power and onshore wind are the cheapest ways of generating electricity; meaning the energy they produce is cheaper than using nuclear, gas and fossil fuels.
China is the only country responsible for climate change
Despite being one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, China is currently one of the largest investors in renewables. The increase in investment has been in response to the rapid growth of green business and the need to clean up air pollution in its major cities.
If you are really interested in this subject, I would recommend reading the WWF site, it’s well-informed and not subject to governmental ‘oversight’.
Are you a Denier or a believer?
When it comes to Covid-19 vaccines, it’s a personal choice. What you choose to do won’t affect others. Global warming is another matter altogether. If you are in denial, you won’t take personal steps to reduce your own carbon footprint. Unlike vaccines, this affects others. I hope readers will take a moment to tell us their views, for or against. More important, if you are against the global warming scientists NGO’s (non-government organisations) and their views and advice. Who do you believe will benefit from what you see as basically untrue?
There is always a motive, good or bad. What’s your view?
Resident in Portugal for 50 years, publishing and writing about Portugal since 1977. Privileged to have seen, firsthand, Portugal progress from a dictatorship (1974) into a stable democracy.
The 2022 Winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, John Clauser, advises young people to follow the science and not the 'spin'.
By Penelope Kimber from Algarve on 01 Sep 2023, 13:46
Great article and well researched... right until the end. And wow, did you blow it at then. It's quite shocking that you wrote in your conclusion... 'When it comes to Covid-19 vaccines, it’s a personal choice. What you choose to do won’t affect others.' Vaccines are all about herd mentality, with set and definted thresholds for when enough people vaccinated against any disease reaches a point when society at large has little chance of the disease spreading. Salk, Sabin, and many others must be rolling in their graves at the statement that getting vaccinated does not benefit everyone. I hope that this was a typo and your article is rectified.
By BB from USA on 01 Sep 2023, 14:21
The stench of desperation is strong. Lol
You know who else calls themselves 'believers'? Nutjob cult members.
Look, it's very simple: there will be the crazies who will continue their injection subscription, worshipping the needle and hailing anything government tells them. They will eat the bugs, and drive the child-slave-labour-mobiles, and breathe through warm moist petri dishes strapped to their faces, and chant 'it's working it's working'. Here's the thing though: the amount of people who have woken up in recent times are hundreds of millions, and we will not play along.
What are you going to do? Call us names? We don't care. We're used to it.
We don't need safe spaces because of your microaggressions waaaa.
So you do you, and we do we. We don't tell you to stop being a government junkie, we don't try to take your face diapers off, we don't tell you how to live.
All we demand is the same curtesy in return. Freedom of choice, my body my choice, oh and btw, whoever drives an EV, should only be permitted to charge it via solar or wind power. Otherwise, what's the bloody point?
And since you're the ones who seem to have a problem with our freedom of choice, I invite you to seek out your safe spaces and scream at the sky in your own time.
Or write hilariously delusional gobbledegook like the amalgamation of nonsense above - it really made my afternoon.
By Hart from Lisbon on 01 Sep 2023, 14:50
I don't know anybody that doesn't believe in climate change. I know many people that don't believe that humans are making a significant contribution to climate change. Considering that there were times on earth when the polar regions were free of ice and times when the river Thames was freezing over every winter then this sound correct to me.
By Tom from Lisbon on 01 Sep 2023, 15:37
This is a good article. While I am not a climate scientist, I am a chemist. Combustion of any carbon-containing material results, simplified, in carbon dioxide and water. In real-world combustion, many other reaction products are produced, and some are bad for human health. Each molecule of carbon dioxide contains chemical bonds between one carbon and two oxygens; it's these bonds that are efficient at capturing energy reflected off the earth's surface and ensuring that energy stays as a cumulative source of changes in the climate.
Part of the problem that individuals have with the idea of climate change is that it is a complicated change that affects so many dynamic systems on earth. These types of changes are usually studied by scientists in various disciplines, such as oceanography, geology, meteorology, spectroscopy, chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, etc. Each of these disciplines has articles published in their niche journals, which combine to occupy numerous meters of shelf space in university libraries and numerous bytes of information on the internet. Almost no one can understand the entire scope of the problem due to its complexity; however, each of the disciplines reports their findings or works in interdisciplinary groups that wrestle over each word, sentence, paragraph, and conclusion to state best-in-class updates.
The conclusion is that climate change in its various forms is real. The people who benefit are the corporations that profit from the global use of fossil fuels. They have known that the result of combusting fossil fuels is climate change since at least the 1950s and have decided that the public didn't need to know.
By John Davis from Other on 01 Sep 2023, 16:09
Thank you for speaking up for the majority, Paul. Anybody who denies climate change is either in denial, or in a cult. The QAnonsense adherants, the Fox 'News" Newsmax, OAN, and other extreme right-wing fake infomedia watchers, have all been brainwashed. Yet, they accuse us of being the government pawns. They just don't see the wood for the trees, poor things. The sneering, snarky, self-important deniers, repeating lies and misinformation fresh from the mouths of their exploiters, would have us believe that it is they who know all the answers, when in reality they are puppets. They are nihilists. They deny climate science, medical science, in fact, they vilify the educated and call us "sheeple" and think we are stupid for believing the 98% of scientists who all agree that we are the problem. How sad that they live in such a hermetically sealed bubble of misinformation and fail to breathe in facts. When the things they have taken so much for granted are no longer available, when they get seriously ill and need good doctors and none are available, when they realize that had they only put on that mask, or have had that vaccine they might have lived to see their oldest child marry, or whatever, the rest of us will be paying the consequences for their willful ignorance too. And, by the way, Paul, failing to get the vaccine or wearing a mask does affect other people. Without them, it is how viruses spread, and COVID-19 is just waiting for the numbnuts who only care about themselves and not about others. Which is basically where this started: with the selfish, conspiracy theory-buying twits who don't give a damn if they take us all down to prove they have been right all along. Problem is, they have all been so very wrong.
By Tina Steele from USA on 02 Sep 2023, 04:27
For me what John is saying about the size and complexity of the problems rings true. I do beleve humankind is speeding up the changes, but is it speeding up what are natural cycles? I do question the motives of education establishments that are always hunting for more and more money, be that sponsorship direct or through promoting certain things that bring in more students (and therefore money) to the establishments. Private companies are also in on the act to promote and sponsor research that fits their product portfolios. I agree this is big and complex and working in silo's makes it seem to me at least, that we lurch from one theory to another (that industry and education jump on the bandwagon of) without understanding the side effects. Take cars, petrol was better than the dirty diesel, then diesel got cleaner and was better, now electric is great, but wait, what about the extra tyre wear, the precious materials used in batteies or the high cost (CO2) to make the cars. Will electric cars be next climate (or other) challenge when we try to dispose of these cars and batteries. I get we must do something and can't stand still, but the cynic in me still does not always believe or trust the motives behind some of the research (for and against I might add)
By Lindsay McCaughey from Algarve on 02 Sep 2023, 08:01
First, the two Nobel Prize-winning physicists cited by various climate change-denying organizations are both physicists in quantum mechanics, one for experiments in quantum entanglement and the other for advances in the understanding of quantum tunneling. Quantum physics is not a field related to meteorology, so both physicists are expressing opinions under the cover of expertise that is not related to climate change. They are, in effect, expressing their personal political views. This is not a new phenomenon. Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time winner of the Nobel Prize, was an amazing biochemist and biophysicist who went a bit off the rails when he started recommending everyone take mega-doses of vitamin C every day. Other problematic Nobel Prize winners include Fritz Haber, who was recognized for his advances to chemistry but helped develop German methods for using gases in warfare. Antonio Egas Moniz was awarded a Nobel for developing the lobotomy procedure, now all but abandoned. The lesson is that when anyone, citizens, politicians, and scientists, advance ideas outside their fields of expertise, or even within their fields but in ways that do harm to humankind, their opinions should be examined very carefully.
Since providing additional reading material is a thing, here's a NASA website (aka not some fringe right-wing agitprop website) with several worthy citations:
The scientists NASA cites are "actively publishing climate scientists."
Finally, the U.S. Department of Defense :
By John Davis from Other on 02 Sep 2023, 09:50
I don't understand the people who deny there is a climate crisis. The best I can come up with to explain them is that they are seeing what they want to see, also that their beliefs are strongly influenced by people they follow. e.g. there are many conspiracy theorists who accept whatever David Icke says as the truth. I heard scientific warnings about Global Warming many years ago and am now seeing what was predicted is coming about. I also know there are indigenous people who warned us too. The Kogi people from Colombia were given a BBC documentary back in 1991. It was called From The Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning. It is still available if you Google it, and I recommend it most highly. It shows that what really alarmed these people was the fact that the frozen conditions that should have been on the mountain peaks of the range they live in had gone. The Kogi point out that water comes from the mountains and without water all life will die. They point out that planting trees cannot work unless there is water for them. Personally I am a naturalist and even if I had never heard any of the scientific warnings, or those of people like the Kogi, or had looked at recent news of widespread flooding and wildfires, as well as record-breaking temperatures, I would still see that Climate Change is in action. I have lived in the UK, Tenerife and Portugal, and have seen how the weather has been increasingly becoming extreme, how droughts, heatwaves, and flooding can all be expected these days. We can no longer count on seasonal changes as they once were or on weather as it once was. In my opinion Climate Change is having a devastating effect on the natural world as well as on us humans.
By Steve Andrews from Other on 02 Sep 2023, 16:24
From a Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment"
"Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong"
"Climate scientists are speaking out against grossly exaggerated claims about global warming."
By Michael Blesh from Algarve on 03 Sep 2023, 10:40
Humanity is doomed, not because of pandemics or climate change, but because most people are dumb as dirt. Just look at these comments.
Even those who disagree with me, would agree that banks are probably the most powerful entities on earth. Right? So, if climate change is such a big issue, and we're all going to drown because of global warming, why are ALL banks, ALL over the world, giving 30+ year loans on beach front properties?
Yeah....I know......digest it, it might take a minute or so to sink in, afterall, you only have 3 braincells bouncing around in a vacuum.
And furthermore, insurance companies. VERY powerful, amirite? Well, ALL insurance companies on earth, insure beachfront properties, you nimconpoops!
It really doesn't take a genius to see through this scam, all you have to do is observe climate Czar Al Gore, who became a billionaire thanks to climate change, and has 2 private jets, 2 mega yachts, over 10 cars and 5 properties, 3 of which beachfront! But hey, you go eat the bugs, drive the dumb-mobile, and sort your plastics Lol Dumb peasants.
By Hart from Lisbon on 04 Sep 2023, 11:25
Tina Steele, have you been to Portugal? Almost no-one wears a mask anymore. Not even healthcare workers or scientists. One of the biggest reviews done by Cochrane have found them, after rigorous science to be ineffective. So, not wearing a mask is actually "following the science" so I'm not exactly sure what you're on about.
By Jeff BB from Beiras on 04 Sep 2023, 14:17
In response to Jeff BB: of course I have "been to Portugal" - I moved there in 1971, and lived there for many years. My daughter is still there, and why I visit as often as I can; the last time being in 2022, when - thankfully - masks were still mandatory.
To claim that masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, I would like to see the actual science that you claim proves it. Because, as someone who has a graduate degree in a health-related field, who worked for NIAID, in infectious diseases (and studied them in medical school), I can tell you unequivocally that I know where to look for the data from verifiable, reliable, and unimpeachable sources that prove my contention. Masks save lives, and a quantitative study of 350,000 is good enough for me. It should be for you too.
There are many more I can post links to, but for the likes of you it would be a waste of my time and effort. I'd rather spend it on happier pursuits, like watching grass grow...except it's not growing very well these days, because of climate change!!!
By Tina Steele from USA on 04 Sep 2023, 19:21
I invite all the non-cult-members without plastic nano particles and micro fibres in their lungs, to read Tina Steele's ramblings while playing the Looney Tunes intro music in your heads. It's brilliant fun! And laughing is great for your health. Science.
By Hart from Lisbon on 04 Sep 2023, 20:44
Ever heard of Cochranes? A pretty reliable source. And trust me when I say 99.99 % of people in Portugal don't wear masks. Ask your daughter if you don't believe me. Old people, young people, no one. Last time I went to the doctor, no one in there wore them. Not the nurses, not the doctors. My dad was also in hospital for two weeks recently and nobody in there wore them either. Do you claim to know more than the healthcare personnel and 99.99% of the Portuguese population? Are you telling me we are all stupid and that we don't believe in science? Typical American exceptionalism.
By Jeff BB from Beiras on 04 Sep 2023, 23:05
I'm going to tell all the nurses, doctor and specialists in the hospital to throw their degrees away. Apparently Tina Steele from the Internet knows better than them.
By Jeff BB from Beiras on 04 Sep 2023, 23:10
It is quite discouraging to see the devolvement in these comments to name calling and behavior that it better suited for children on social media. I would hope that the PN starts to delete comments that are full of vitriol, but in the meantime, folks, how about everyone behaves and communicates like intelligent adults!
By BB from Other on 06 Sep 2023, 04:00
Dear Portuguese citizens reading these letters:
A couple of the American correspondents to this thread have demonstrated a great lack of courtesy to the opinion writer and to others who have attempted to answer the question "Do you believe...." While some native Tugans may share their perspective, there is no need for the coarseness of their statements. It is sometimes thought that those who insult others to gain the upper hand in an argument do so because they know they've already lost the argument.
For instance, one fellow states that "99.9%" of Portuguese don't wear masks. While he doesn't provide dates when that might be true, I can vouch that one could not use a bus, taxi, Uber, hospital, restaurant, or grocery store during the pandemic without wearing a mask. It is generally perceived that the Covid threat has diminished for now, and it is true that few people wear masks, but virtually everyone one saw in public wore masks from spring 2020 until sometime in 2022. As Ms. Steele says, there is copious evidence that masks work to diminish personal risk from airborne disease vectors as those vectors are passengers in the aerosols emanating from people. The Japanese have long recognized the practical nature of masks to diminish the threat to others from the common cold (actually, an assortment of viruses, but "common" enough).
As for the other fellow, who attempts to diminish all who believe that climate change poses a threat, he might want to do searches on climate change risk assessment studies. Insurance companies and financial institutions, not to mention NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense, believe that there are risks.
By John Davis from Beiras on 06 Sep 2023, 11:04
John, I'm obviously talking about now in 2023 and most of 2022 most Portuguese people don't wear masks. I'm not talking about when they were mandated. But Tina Steele is alleging they should stil be worn. When no one does. Not doctors, not nurses, no-one. 2023, John, 2023. I'm not talking about 20/21. Get it in your head. Are you going to hand in heart tell me than a large population in the Beiras where we both live, wear masks? . And I was in Lisbon last month on packed public transport and 99% of people did not wear masks.
By Jeff BB from Beiras on 06 Sep 2023, 16:59
John Davis, saying "fewer people" wear masks now, in late 2023, is an outright lie. I wore my KN95 mask religiously and properly when it was mandated. Not because I believed it worked, but because I am a law-abiding citizen. But now, in 2023, I have spent the whole summer going to many village festivals and spent time in many theatres and I almost never saw a mask. I would see maybe one mask in a supermarket per week. If you are telling me this is not so, you are telling an outright lie. I went to the doctors three times this summer for various reasons and not one single doctor wore a mask. If you are telling me this is not so, you are a liar through and through.
By Jeff BB from Beiras on 06 Sep 2023, 17:19
My main gripe is with Tina Steele who says : "... the last time being in 2022, when - thankfully - masks were still mandatory." So, in her opinion masks should still be mandated. So, in other words the whole team of Portuguese scientists who advise the government and decided it was okay to lift the mask mandates, they are all stupid according to Tina Steele. I see now some hospitals are bringing back the masks, the Health Minister is saying they're leaving that decision to hospitals to decide on a case-by-case basis. No nationwide mandates. Why does she think that she knows better than Portuguese scientists?
By Jeff BB from Beiras on 06 Sep 2023, 18:07
Maybe I should have written "very, very few people." When I wrote "fewer people," that is what I meant. I am not sure why they wear them, but I assume it is either because they are ill themselves and do not want to pass their microbes to others or they believe, for whatever reason, that they might get ill from someone else. In both cases, it's their personal decision.
Your initial comments did not provide dates for when "99.9%" of the citizens in Portugal did not wear masks. Two things here: (1) why make up a statistic that has no basis in fact - it is your way of saying "fewer people?" and (2) you did not clarify what time period you were talking about, so the reader is left to guess what you intended.
I followed the health ministry's reports of Covid-19 infections and deaths very closely during the first year and a half. I think that Portugal, by which I mean its health ministry and its people, did an excellent job of managing the pandemic. I think the single, arguably avoidable, tragedy occurred during the first Christmas and New Year's holiday season when, inevitably in a country so defined by extended families, the families gathered to enjoy the festivities. Infections and deaths spiked. I assume that a significant contributor to that spike is that people, among their family members, stopped wearing masks, stopped social distancing, embraced and kissed as is the custom, and tragedy was the result. This behavior ceased after the holidays, the ministry rolled out vaccines and emphasized - again - the importance of masks, distancing, and hygiene.
No one in this thread suggested even once that healthcare providers in Portugal were wrong in their diminished use of masks at this time.
Please, let us stop this thread now.
By John Davis from Beiras on 08 Sep 2023, 09:24