Arnold and his wife Ellie fell in love with Portugal, built a villa and moved here in 1983. Arnold grew up in the blitz in the East End of London and loved to tell the story of how he and his brother Barry collected shrapnel only to have it confiscated by an irate Air Raid Warden.

After a successful career firstly as an accountant and then as an owner of many hotels, Arnold sold up to move to the Sun. Whilst Arnold enjoyed the Sun he realised he needed the stimulation of work so he became the Managing Director of Carvoeiro Clube.

Arnold was an accomplished artist taking commissions from selected customers and had a lifelong passion for horses. In addition, he was a fit man working out with weights all his life and when we met 3 years ago he insisted at 89 I work out with him as he felt I was overweight.

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Arnold is survived by his wife, Ellie since they met 60 years ago, his brother Barry, his sister Hilary, his son Tony and his daughter Belinda together with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Rest in peace Arnold, a popular, well-liked in the community and a generous man. He will be missed.