The feral feline explosion is not just a problem in Portugal, the Algarve. A worldwide situation requiring an enormous solution. “TNR!” Jenny Clarke, President of APAA, holding onto a cage with a very unhappy trapped, furry feral, feline. “Trap, Neuter and Return. It is used to reduce the population of cats, especially in colonies.”

Zélia Santos has been working with her cat people, for years. She is not the only one. There are shelters, and colonies with too many cats. They have to be fed, monitored, SNiP’d wherever possible. First, you have to catch the puss! Not easy. SNiP is the Association for Protection of Animals Algarve’s commitment to reducing the cat population. Abandoned dogs are amongst them but not in the soaring numbers experienced with cats. “We are talking thousands of cats spread over hundreds of colonies.” Even cat lovers are not aware of the problem, now gradually surfacing. “People can see the cat colony outside Lagos. What a good idea!” Nice little houses for cats. First, you have to get the cat, ensure it is healthy and colonise it. Houses and treatment costs money. Help is urgently needed. Physically and monetarily!


Friday 27th October 11-2pm ‘The ‘Jolly’ Bar' at Alvor ‘Pop-Up’ with Fiona’s Fi-Line Fashion, hand-made jewellery and Gill Goodes, prints, cards and artwork. Always a pet corner. Books, electric gadgets. Jams, chutneys and preserves. Nicola’s Bio veggies and eggs. Friday 10 November Convento’bio pre-Christmas Special for arts crafts and small businesses. Visit APAA’s stall with usual and unusual items. Also, the ever-popular Ferragudo Car Boot Sales. Fair and Street market. Main one-way street. Sunday 12/11, 10/12 8am-12 Goodies galore. There’ll be lots of man-cave stuff too! That Special Season approaches – a time for giving – SNiP APAA’s main project for the Algarve, for raising money to keep the furry, feral felines’ population down, helping with abandoned dogs and shelters and charities in need.

Remember every little helps. Don’t forget to pop-in to our charity shops in Alvor and Silves. Friendly volunteer staff on hand for advice. Take stuff no longer needed. Find something new you like or a gift. ‘Holiday Inn’s’ Refurbishment donating paintings and mirrors, large and small. If you are interested contact Jenny


Animal Care etc:

Cat Colonies: