I went to a certain builders’ merchant last weekend for some chlorine tablets for the pool and came home with two dogs. Don’t ask. No, they aren’t selling them there alongside lightbulbs, sandpaper or rotovators.

Wigglestail Animal Sanctuary had an information stand outside the store as part of a campaign to get themselves noticed, get animals adopted and swell their ever-dwindling cash balance, as running an animal sanctuary isn’t cheap. With these two dogs sitting there with ‘adopt me’ scarves around their necks, I insisted The Husband park up so I could go back to get a better look. They were – well, still are - both black and faintly reminiscent of a beloved dog from years back. Of course, we took them on trial, mainly to see how they got on with our existing dogs, and being sisters, just couldn’t pick one without upsetting the other, so took them both. You will be pleased to note they are still here, and settling in nicely.

Not Just Dogs

Wigglestail Animal Sanctuary was born in 2020 and was officially established in 2022. Currently, they care for over 100 animals, not just dogs, but cats, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, and even a donkey. Their mission is to rescue any animal in need and provide them with a forever home if necessary, full of love and safety. They also participate in TNR (trap-neuter-return) programmes to help manage the feral cat population. Their vision is to help save, care for and provide a loving, happy, healthy, and fulfilling life to animals in need for the rest of their time on earth.

Home Checks

They have rigorous rules about where their animals might end up and insist on home checks and follow-up visits after any prospective adopter has signed the adoption documentation, and all of these little refugees are sterilised, chipped and clear of disease as much as possible before adoption becomes a reality. Some animals struggle to socialise, have been mistreated or left to suffer, so Wigglestail does its utmost to find them forever homes. While their focus is giving animals a permanent safe haven through their careful adoption process, they couldn’t do any of this without help - all donations, adoptions, or volunteers giving of their time makes a huge difference and allows Wigglestail to continue providing a safe haven for these beautiful animals.

They limit the number of animals they take in, and although not yet at full capacity in terms of what they are licensed for, they are at their financial and ‘people’ limit of what they can handle, and will re-assess their capacity every 3 months.

Black Dog Syndrome

Historically, black dogs are always harder to find homes for. Their ‘lighter’ companions photograph better and for some strange reason, black dogs always seem to get rejected, sometimes they are feared, sometimes superstitions get in the way and they just don’t seem to appeal to adopters. Well, I can happily say these two latest additions to my dog family are black and are the fourth and fifth of the black dogs we have rescued, so don’t ever be put off by fur colour, it makes no difference to their personality.


Wigglestail currently has dogs and cats looking for forever homes, and if you want to talk about adopting a new ‘family member’, the easiest way is to message them on Facebook or the Wigglestail WhatsApp number: +351-937-518-946. They have rehomed eight dogs since May of this year, and are always looking for volunteers to help at the sanctuary with socialising, walking dogs, and getting the animals used to new faces, etc.

Not everyone has the time to volunteer or feel they are ready to adopt, but financial help is always needed. If you feel you would like to donate a one-off amount or become a regular financial supporter, visit their website: https://wigglestail-animal-sanctuary.pt for further information.


Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man. 

Marilyn Sheridan