APAA, has had a full year of caring and sharing. Initially a shelter, now a SNiP campaigner and heralding their ‘Here to Help’ other charities and shelters with animals firmly placed in the foreground. “They are not set up for the sake of having nothing to do!” Jenny is being polite. “It is a hands-on approach for all shelters. For all kinds of animals.” Some are indeed unable to fend for themselves at an extremely vulnerable time, whether too young, or sick. Or, dumped on the roadside. Some were reported as being mistreated. Re-homed. Given sanctuary. ‘Wigglestail’ outside of Messines, started off as a home for the needy and urgent cry for help by an animal. It soon dawned on Sofia and Kent, that this was not going to stop. “Giving an animal care and attention does cost money!” Sofia is the owner, with partner Kent of a diverse group of farm animals, dogs and cats. Not to mention a rabbit or two.


Friday 27th October 11-2pm ‘The ‘Jolly’ Bar at Alvor pop-in visit Fiona’s Fi-Line Fashion, hand-made jewellery and Gill Goodes, prints, cards and artwork. APAA’s ‘Pop-Ups’ always have a pet corner. Books, electric gadgets. Jams, chutneys and preserves. Nicola’s Bio veggies and eggs. Also, hugely popular Ferragudo Car Boot Sales. Fair and Street market. Main one-way street. Sunday 12/11, 10/12 8am-12 Goodies galore. Lots of man-woman-cave stuff too!

Lagoa’s Convento’bio Friday 10 November 11am-4pm. Pre-Christmas Special for arts, crafts and small businesses. APAA’s stall will be there packed with goodies and gifts. Not forgetting Jenny’s jams, Jackie’s cookies. That Special Season will be upon us. SNiP APAA’s main agenda for the Algarve, to raise money for keeping furry, feral felines’ population down, helping with abandoned dogs. Shelters and charities in need. Remember every little helps. Don’t forget to pop-in to our charity shops in Alvor and Silves. Friendly volunteer staff, help you choose gifts. Take stuff no longer needed. APAA’s ‘Holiday Inn’s’ windfall due to their 2023/4 Refurbishment, paintings and mirrors, large and small. If you are interested contact Jenny info.apaaportugal@gmail.com.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

‘Pop-Up’/Events: events.apaaportugal@gmail.com

Animal Care etc: info.apaaportugal@gmail.com

Cat Colonies: zelia.santos@live.co.uk

Wigglestail: wigglestailanimalsanctuary@gmail.com



A little reminder, that when you see charities out on the shop floor collecting donations for animal food, please be generous, every little helps a large ever-growing group of cats and dogs in need, care, love and attention. If you want a new year job – meet friends. Volunteer!