Foreign subsidiaries employed around 639,000 people in 2022, corresponding to 18.4% of the total employment of non-financial companies, according to definitive data from the "Globalisation Statistics - Branches of Foreign Companies", in 2022, prepared by INE.

On average, each branch employed around 61 people in 2022, a figure that is "much higher" than that of national companies (around six people).

INE also states that, between 2020 and 2022, the weight of people working in branches of foreign companies compared to the total number of companies grew by 0.6 percentage points (p.p.), registering an increase of around 68 thousand people working in foreign branches.

As for the Gross Value Added (GVA) of foreign subsidiaries in Portugal, it grew 19.9% in 2022, against a rise of 17.4% in the previous year, corresponding in nominal terms to a total of 34,000 million euros.