"If we compare the price of this basket with the price it registered two years ago, on May 11, 2022, the increase was 30.55 euros (plus 14.74%)".
The price of oranges alone increased by 23 cents per kilo (plus 16%) in just one week, between May 1st and 8th. On May 8, a kilo of oranges cost, on average, 1.87 euros, 55 cents more (42%) than a year ago.
In the last week, between the 1st and 8th of May, in addition to oranges, the biggest price increases were recorded in products such as fish fingers, which increased by 93 cents (plus 16%), from 5.75 euros to 6.68 euros, and liquid yogurt, which rose 28 cents (plus 13%), to 2.35 euros.
Life is still getting more unaffordable every day for normal people. But hey, you'll own nothing and be happy, right?
By Fred Doe from Other on 13 May 2024, 06:56