In a statement, the association states that its disagreement also has to do with “the lack of information on the allocation of the funds obtained and the lack of participation of the hotel industry in the governance of the funds”.

At the same time, they raised questions “regarding the charge to guests” at the time of check-in and what he says was a “lack of respect for negotiations with operators”, before the increase in value for guests came into effect.

AHP regrets that its observations expressed during the public hearing phase had not “even been considered” by the municipality, with the regulation having been published and entered into force “without taking into account any of these situations”.

At the same time, “the model and response to hoteliers' queries were completely unprepared” during the clarification sessions promoted by the municipality on the regulations and fee collection and delivery operations.

On Tuesday, in a meeting with Albufeira City Council, AHP once again “underlined the need for greater transparency in the rate allocation process, with the participation of hoteliers in the management model”, he noted.