Volunteers are needed for stores distributed across municipalities in the Algarve region. Registrations are now open for anyone wanting to volunteer. Registration is mandatory and must be repeated for each campaign.

In a statement, Nuno Cabrita Alves, president of the Algarve Food Bank, calls for “everyone’s unity to help in this cause”. The person responsible emphasizes that “one hour of your day will make a difference to the lives of thousands of families”.

Volunteers are essential in any of the 130 stores, spread across all municipalities in the region, where it is necessary to distribute bags and, later, receive the food with the donations.

In the Faro and Portimão warehouses, help is essential to unload food, separate it, and fold bags, among other tasks.

Nuno Cabrita Alves reinforces that “in addition to volunteers in stores and in the warehouse, we need food donations”.

At this time, all support is essential, as thousands of families are on the threshold of poverty.

Help can be provided in stores with food or vouchers, but also here with food donations or through financial support, from May 24th to June 2nd.