According to data from Shared Health Services (SPMS), SNS Line 24, which now has a specific service, but with the same 1,700 operators, received 24,666 calls from pregnant women last year.

The SPMS reports an increase in calls from pregnant women received this year, with around 19,200 having been answered in the first five months of the year.

The Health Emergency and Transformation Plan provided, as an urgent measure, the creation of the SNS ‘Grávida Line’ which translates as the Pregnancy line through the SNS24 Line (808 24 24 24). In the first three days, it answered 450 calls from pregnant women.

As the Minister of Health explained this week during a visit to the SNS Grávida Line, calls are answered by nurses, who follow an algorithm scientifically validated by the Directorate-General for Health that classifies the situation in which the pregnant woman is.

This new direct care channel for pregnant women aims to respond to the demand for gynaecology/obstetrics emergencies, as an area where the greatest difficulties are experienced in the National Health Service (SNS).

With the SNS ‘Grávida line’, the Government intends to organise the pregnant circuit, particularly in emergency situations, guaranteeing a “quality response”.

“Through this helpline, pregnant women will have access to qualified and trained professionals who will be available to offer personalised guidance, reassuring pregnant women and providing them with confidence throughout the process and providing information and directing them to health units with effective capacity to assistance”, states the emergency plan.