However, less coverage has been given to equally important activity charity work that these clubs perform on a regular basis away from the soccer field which has benefited recipients across the East Algarve.

EAWF was established 10 years ago and prides itself as the first walking football club in Portugal. The club was quick to set up a Charity Group which over the years has sought out to help people particularly those most in need. Jon Berrill who currently leads on this work for EAWF explains, "Our club raises money through subs paid by those attending regular training sessions. This money together with the time members offer allows us to support a wide range of important causes".

For example, the club recently purchased 5 sets of bed arms for the centre run by the Cegonha Branca Association in VRSA which predominantly looks after elderly people with dementia. Together with Tavira 2nd Chance, EAWF attended a ‘market day’ where pupils from a nearby infant school spent time with the residents at the home using fake escudos to buy fruit, cakes, and drinks. This acted as a maths lesson for the children and enabled a trip down memory lane for the older folks.

On this year's International Children’s Day in June, EAWF and EAFC responded to an appeal put out by Leoes FC for donations of toys to give to underprivileged local children. The group raised funds and were able to deliver €370 worth of toys and games. In both April and May this year, the club collected various items of donated furniture and clothing which were delivered via a local charity liaison officer to families in Olhão.

The Charity Group were also recently asked to help make the football pitch at the Tavira Children’s Home useable again. The pitch had become overgrown and the Home didn’t either have the funds or equipment to do the work necessary. EAWF paid for the ground to be cleared and the children can now enjoy a kick-around.

EAWF offers walking football sessions for all abilities each week in Tavira and Olhão. For more information visit their website at