In a joint position released by the Federation of Transport and Communications Unions (Fectrans), the workers' committees (CT) of CP and Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) and several trade union organisations announce the holding of a national plenary on July 11, by 10:30, at Entrecampos station, in Lisbon, the conclusions of which will then be delivered to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing.
The document also states that, "in response to the CP's discriminatory position, the struggle must continue, in the form of a strike, during the month of July, on days to be announced shortly."
At issue is the agreement reached last week between the Government, CP, and the National Union of Portuguese Railway Machinists (SMAQ), which had called a strike between June 27th and July 14th, which has since been suspended.
Alongside this strike, more than 10 other union structures also organised a strike, which took place on Friday and had close to 100% participation, but the Government and CP did not negotiate with these unions, who on Saturday lamented that "no effort" was made to reach a joint agreement.
In the statement now released, these union structures consider that "the recent position of the administration/Government at CP is unacceptable and demonstrates that there is no vision for the company as a whole".