The Municipality of Lagoa was the second municipal entity, in the Algarve region, that saved the most water during the month of June, having reduced water consumption by 21%, compared to the same period of the previous year.

“The Municipality of Lagoa has been presenting, week after week, values ​​for reducing water consumption, demonstrating the commitment of the Municipality of Lagoa, hoteliers, businesspeople, farmers, and the local people, in general.

“In addition to everyone's efforts to reduce water consumption compared to the same period last year, the Municipality of Lagoa continues to provide the municipality with infrastructure that allows the municipality of Lagoa to reduce the percentage of real water losses, through requalification of the water supply network, with the replacement of the main supply pipes, through the requalification of the Sesmarias Reservoir, as well as through the installation of Measurement and Control Zones (ZMC'S) and Controlled Pressure Zones (ZPC' s), throughout the territory”.