In a statement, the Regional Directorate of Statistics (DREM) highlighted that, compared to the usual temperatures for the month of July, “all stations for which it was possible to provide this information (seven stations) presented higher values, with Chão do Areeiro standing out with a deviation of +3.6°C” compared to normal.

The highest average temperature was recorded at the Lugar de Baixo station (24.1°C), in the municipality of Ponta do Sol, in the western part of Madeira Island, and the lowest average temperature was recorded at Santo da Serra (18°C), in the high areas of the municipality of Santa Cruz.

“With regard to the absolute maximum and minimum temperatures recorded in July, the maximum extreme of 31.4°C was recorded at the Pico Alto station”, on the 25th, DREM reports, adding that “the minimum extreme was recorded at the Pico do Areeiro station (6.6°C, on the 2nd)”.

The regional authority also highlights that the Lugar de Baixo meteorological station recorded “29 days with maximum temperatures above 25°C, when the normal value for this station is 14.9 days”.

With regard to precipitation, the highest value in July occurred in Santana (48.4 millimetres), but it was in the municipality of São Vicente that the highest daily precipitation value was observed with 19.9 millimetres.

The DREM also indicates that the average monthly values ​​of relative humidity varied between 44% in Pico do Areeiro and 95% in Santo da Serra.