“In a budget, the budget is voted on and we will discuss discreetly, with all parties, the matters contained in the budget”, said the Minister of the Presidency when asked about Chega’s demand for a referendum on immigration as a condition for making the State Budget for next year viable.

António Leitão Amaro insisted that the “Government is very committed to, in the sincere and loyal privacy of negotiations with all, all parties, negotiating the State Budget on matters of the State Budget” and stressed that this is what it will continue “to do, with commitment”.

The minister indicated that meetings with the parties will resume in September, stating that they have not yet been scheduled and that the executive is awaiting the resumption of parliamentary work.

“At the beginning of September, we will call these meetings with all parties that wish to negotiate with a view to potentially making the State Budget viable”, he stated.

When asked about the expression he used, Leitão Amaro maintained that “modesty means continuing to be committed, in good faith, loyal, and respectful of the negotiation process with everyone”.