At 07:45, there were 46 active fires on the mainland, which were being fought by 4,492 firefighters, according to information available on the official ANEPC website.

The fires that have been burning for several days in the Aveiro district continue to be those that mobilise the most firefighters and other resources.

In Sever do Vouga, two fires were still burning at that time: one was mobilizing 320 firefighters, with the support of 101 vehicles, and the other was mobilizing 296 members of the emergency and security forces, with the help of 96 vehicles.

In Albergaria-a-Velha, the fire that broke out at 7:20 am on Monday was mobilising 406 firefighters, assisted by 125 land vehicles.

The fire that broke out on Sunday, at 3:00 pm, in the municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis was being fought by 408 firefighters, supported by 156 vehicles.

In the district of Viseu, the fire that had been burning in Nelas since late Monday morning remained active, with 261 firefighters and 75 vehicles fighting the flames.

In Castro Daire, the fire that started at 9:30 pm on Monday involved 295 firefighters, assisted by 90 land vehicles.

The fire in Penalva do Castelo, which broke out at around midnight on Monday, was being fought by 157 firefighters, with 43 vehicles.

In the district of Coimbra, the fire in Tábua, for which an alert was given at 10:39 am on Tuesday, involved 252 firefighters and 81 land vehicles.

The fire in Arganil, which had three active fronts and forced the evacuation of the Animal Collection Centre and the villages of Salgueiral and Medas, was put out at 11:01 pm on Tuesday.

In the district of Porto, the fire that broke out at 1 pm on Monday in Gondomar was being fought by 174 members of the rescue and security forces and 38 land vehicles.

At around midnight today, some homes in the Branzelo area, in Melres, Gondomar, were evacuated and the population evacuated due to the fires, the GNR general command told Lusa.

Also in Porto, the fire that started in Paredes at 5:20 am on Tuesday involved 134 firefighters, supported by 44 vehicles.

The fire that was raging in Vila Pouca de Aguiar, in the district of Vila Real, was being fought by 79 firefighters, supported by 27 land vehicles.

Seven people have died and 40 were injured, two seriously, in the fires that have been raging in the North and Centre regions of the country since Sunday, destroying dozens of homes and forcing roads and motorways to be closed.

The area that has been burned in mainland Portugal since Sunday exceeds 62 thousand hectares, according to the European Copernicus system, which shows that 47,376 hectares have already burned in the North and Centre regions.

The Government has already declared a state of emergency in all municipalities affected by the fires in recent days.