“I was astonished to see in recent days talk that more construction was needed for the middle class. But for which class, for which Portuguese men and women, are we building today?”, asked Miguel Pinto Luz, during the joint parliamentary sessions of the PSD and CDS-PP.

These statements by the minister came after the leader of the Socialist Party (PS) last Friday rejected a State Budget with the changes to the IRS Jovem (young income tax) and IRC (corporate income tax) proposed by the Government or any modelling of these measures, and proposed, instead, that the budget margin allocated to the IRS Jovem (young income tax) be applied to public investment in middle-class housing, an extraordinary increase in pensions and an exclusive regime for doctors in the National Health Service (SNS).

“We are ensuring that families with incomes of up to €54,000 per year are included in this housing policy. We are already broadening the spectrum of those we need to help”, added the minister.

Miguel Pinto Luz said that the Government is aware “that it is necessary to help with supported rent but also young people who do not have a home, young people who do not have university accommodation, young couples who want to have children but are unable to do so”.

“It is for all of them, the housing policy without dogmas, without prejudices, without persecution, without any kind of Manichaeism, we are working for all Portuguese people, for all of them who need a home and we know what needs to be done, let us govern. If you let us govern, we will certainly build a much better Portugal”, he insisted, an appeal already made recently by the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Pedro Duarte.