In the note released by the Democratic Union of Workers in Airports and Aviation (Sindav), Union of Airport Handling Technicians (STHAA), Union of Workers in Handling, Aviation and Airports (Sitava) and Union of Merchant Marine Workers, Travel Agencies, Freight Forwarding and Fisheries (Simamevip) we read that on November 8th the entities requested “the opening of a conciliation process with the services of DGERT/Ministry of Labour, the scheduling of which, regrettably, was only possible for the 18th [ December]” for reasons that are said to be “extraneous”.

Faced with this situation and, they say, Portway has maintained its position until now, “there was no other alternative than to issue this advance notice of strike”. According to the same note, the strike covers all overtime, starting at midnight on December 24, 2024 and until midnight on January 1, 2025.

The strike will also take place from 00:00 hours on December 24, 2024 until 24:00 hours on the same day and from 00:00 hours on December 31st until 24 hours on this last day of the year. The strike will also cover “work on a public holiday that is a normal working day”, from December 24, 2024, until January 2, 2025.