To use this flight, passengers will be contacted by TAP who, being Portuguese or foreign citizens residing in Portugal, were affected by the suspension of flights and expressed, with the Portuguese consulate in Brazil, the need for immediate return to national territory, for humanitarian reasons.

According to the legislation in force, (Order No. 1689-C / 2021, of 12 February), passengers on this humanitarian flight must present proof of laboratory testing (RT-PCR) for screening for SARS- CoV-2, with a negative result, performed within 72 hours prior to the moment of embarkation, except for children who have not reached 24 months of age.

They will also have to isolate for a period of prophylactic isolation of 14 days, at home or in a place indicated by the Portuguese health authorities.

This repatriation was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, last Wednesday.