According to a report by Publico, the PSP police have confirmed that fines are being issued to foreigners who have overstayed their visas, however, the fines issued are not €700 as provided for in Article 192 of the Foreigners law, but instead amount between €40 and €250.

“No foreign citizen has received sines of €700, the maximum amount provided by the law”, this amount would only be applied if a case of fraud had been detected by the authorities.

The law states that fines can be applied for those who stay in Portugal for a period longer than that permitted, and the amount depends on the extent of the overstay.

According to the police, a fine of “€80 to €160 is applied if the period does not exceed 30 days: from €260 to €320 if the period of stay exceeds 30 days but does not exceed 90 days; from €320 to €500 if the period exceeds 90 days; but does not exceed 180 days; and from €500 to €700 if the period exceeds 180 days”.

The PSP states that this law and the associated fines apply to both tourists who have extended their stay in Portugal, normally up to 90 days, extendable for a further 90 days, and “in situations where it is demonstrated or the person declares that they exercise or have exercised any activity that requires a specific visa”.