‘The Great Pretenders’ takes a comic look at historical facts surrounding the relationship between Queen Victoria and her relative, Prince Carlos of Portugal. There is a showdown when Britain challenges Portugal over land in Africa and Cecil Rhodes becomes involved in negotiations. His ambitious plans and the love life of Prince Carlos are interlinked in a narrative that becomes intriguingly surreal. The cast of twelve presents a play that is both educational and entertaining.
Written partly in rhyme by Algarve resident Carolyn Kain it is the sixth in a series of similar plays that examine Anglo-Portuguese relationships.
Museu de Trajo
Friday December 10th at 7.30pm
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th at 4 o’clock
Tickets €10 (public) Amigos €8
Beneficiaries of the show – Bombeiros de São Brás - for the purchase of protective clothing and equipment.
For advance bookings telephone: - 966 329 073