The new rules for enclosed spaces where smoking is still allowed are established in a joint decree of the Ministries of Economy and Sea and of Health published today in Diário da República and come into force on January 1, 2023.
The ordinance establishes the rules regarding the maximum capacity allowed, the physical separation or compartmentalisation, the installation and technical requirements of ventilation systems and the minimum size of spaces.
As for the separation of smoking rooms, the ordinance determines that the interconnection between the rooms where smoking is allowed and the spaces in the same building where it is not allowed must be done through an antechamber with a minimum of 4m2, properly ventilated and with automatic doors”.
It also establishes that the opening time of the entrance door of rooms where smoking is allowed cannot be done simultaneously with the opening time of the exit door.
In restaurant or beverage establishments, including those with dance halls, places where smoking is allowed in areas intended for customers may be established, provided that they have an area for customers equal to or greater than 100 m2 and a minimum ceiling height of three meters.
These locations, including the respective antechamber, can occupy up to a maximum of 20% of the area intended for customers.
“The maximum capacity of places where smoking is allowed is defined by the owner of the establishment or by the entities responsible for the establishments (…) and must comply with the fire safety project in buildings and validated” by specialised technicians.
Brilliant step forward meaning most locations will be smoke free in future!
By Russell Taylor from Other on 03 Jun 2022, 09:56
Long overdue, but still doesn't go far enough. Smokers are contaminating other people with their deadly toxins, so no public place should allow smoking. In fact, let's go one further and ban cigarettes and tobacco for good, just like drugs. Smoking does nothing but harm to people's health and wellbeing, and only benefits the tobacco companies financially.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 03 Jun 2022, 10:20
Right from the outset, when it came to establishing and then enforcing the most obvious non-smoking laws, actually any toxic and potentially deadly public environment, and therefore by default protecting all non-smokers, including Babies and Children, we (Portugal) showed and are still showing with these latest measures, our true cultural levels of timidity and our weakness when it comes to what matters the most.
By Miguel from Lisbon on 03 Jun 2022, 12:46
As a nonsmoker please know that I make every effort to not go into or sit outside any businesses that permit smoking regardless of the restrictions. This includes vapor. I resent being included in other people's miserable and deadly addictions.
By Judith Berns from Porto on 03 Jun 2022, 14:32
This is useless. They need to ban smoking in public places. It's irrelevant how high the ceiling is or how big the room is, that's just stupid, how is that going to stop people breathing that crap in when someone within 10 meters of them is smoking? Join where the rest of the civilised world were 15 years ago and simply ban it in all bars, restaurants and public areas (and actually enforce the bans properly or it'll just get ignored).
By John Smith from Lisbon on 03 Jun 2022, 20:53