It probably isn’t. The Russian president’s normal
pattern, when he runs into a major setback, has been to escalate, so he is not
acting out of character. However, he is clearly misinformed by his own
generals, or just not listening to them.
The notion that 300,000 reservists (limited military training years ago) and
technical specialists of various sorts (no military experience whatever) can be
turned into a useful fighting force in a couple of weeks, or even a couple of
months, is bizarre. It shows just how ignorant Putin is about military affairs.
The Russian army does not have the equipment to arm all these people, or even
enough trainers not already at the front to turn them into real soldiers. When
these mostly unwilling conscripts are fed piecemeal into an already demoralised
army, they will make the chaos even worse.
Then there’s the ‘referendums’. Having postponed plans to stage referendums
about joining Russia in the four provinces it partly controls, Putin suddenly
put them back on the schedule after the big Ukrainian advances in mid-September.
Voting began in Russian-occupied parts of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhiya and
Kherson provinces last Friday.
Armed Russian soldiers went door-to-door with ballot boxes, asking if people
want to join Russia. The soldiers wrote the answers down (one for the entire
family), and then put them in the box.
The fix was already in; the question is why they bothered with this charade at
all. Obviously, Putin needed to distract Russians from the recent military
disaster, but he may also have had another reason to hurry the vote and annex
all the land his troops now hold.
If the conquered regions became ‘Russian territory’, then he could claim that
any further attempt by Ukraine to recapture them is an attack on Russia itself. The Ukrainians would obviously ignore this legal flim-flam – but it would
allow him (under Russian rules) to initiate the use of nuclear weapons.
Putin knows that the West knows how the Russian rules on nuclear weapons work,
so he may hope that this will make his threats about nuclear war more
plausible. It probably won’t, but what do you get when you call the bluff of a
man who doesn’t bluff?
Maybe he’s just trading on that reputation now, and he really is bluffing this
time, but there’s no point in following him down that rabbit-hole. Let’s
consider what we know for certain.
Russia is currently losing the war in Ukraine, albeit slowly, and there’s
little chance that its army can turn that around. 300,000 more ill-trained,
resentful conscripts won’t make much difference when the vessel they must be
poured into, the Russian army, is already broken.
Putin’s position and perhaps his life is at risk if there is another big
Ukrainian victory. He may not realise this yet, but he will eventually
understand that his survival depends on a negotiated peace that does not
utterly humiliate him and Russia – for example, a ceasefire that returns both
sides to the pre-2014 ceasefire lines.
His problem will be that the Ukrainians are full of confidence at the moment,
and not inclined to give him that. They want all their stolen territory back,
and the only lever that might change their minds (and those of their Western
supporters) is a nuclear strike on Ukraine.
Just one very small (sub-kiloton-range) ‘tactical’ nuclear weapon, mind,
delivered on sparsely populated land or off the Ukrainian coast. It couldn’t be
more than that, because the generals in the Russian chain of command would not
accept orders for a bigger strike that might start a full nuclear war. They may
be corrupt, but most of them love their families.
They might go for just one nuke, though, especially if Putin could persuade
them that it was a reasonably safe diplomatic ploy aimed at forcing the
Ukrainians or even NATO to the negotiating table. So what should the latter
parties do if this happens?
The key fact to keep in mind is that the same Russian generals would probably
not escalate further if NATO made no nuclear response to that single Russian
nuke. They’d just wait for the terror and revulsion sweeping through Russia and
every other country to take Putin down.
Can I guarantee that would happen? Of course not, but it probably would play
out like that. And what would be lost by waiting to see if it does happen?
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.