In a press release, the Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve (AHETA), alerts local authorities to the problem of the lack of accommodation for employees in the Algarve region.

In the note, AHETA stresses that it is “aware of the great difficulty in achieving good living conditions for its employees, due to the impossibility of obtaining land for the implementation of accommodation, in dignified conditions, which would allow the establishment of families, in the Algarve and thus contribute to solving housing problems”.

AHETA intends to carry out “a partnership with the Municipal Councils and regional entities, with responsibilities in matters of land management, which would allow us to identify pockets of land, outside the areas of greater tourist pressure, where we could build accommodation units, with different typologies and that we committed not to give them any other use than that, even suggesting that upon the approval of these projects, there would be an onus of non-sale or change of use, for 50 or 100 years”.

AHETA also emphasises that, "only in this way will we be able to face the perspectives of future development of the tourist activity in the region, contributing to better living conditions of the employees and providing them with decent housing, one of the fundamental premises to motivate the arrival of new professionals for the Algarve”.