For abandoned animals, mainly dogs, this is true. APAA’s President, Jenny Clarke, has seen many dogs with that look in their eyes. If only! “It’s so sad. They have had someone or something in their lives, at one time, which was good. Reasonable, tolerable. Then, suddenly it’s taken away. Replaced by misery, hurt and pain.”

The Association for Protection of Animals Algarve’s chief mission is to get as many abandoned animals off the street, SNiP’d and either re-homed or returned to where they were found. “Incredible, I know,” Jenny admits. “There are a few of our animals living in neighbourhoods, where they are fed, and loved. Given fresh water and food.” Some of these animals are well past their sell-by date. Sadly, abandoned in their old age but not unhappy, as they are treated well.

APAA take the animals, ensuring if they are still able to re-produce, are spayed or neutered, vaccinated and placed back where they were found. Under a watchful eye. They have pet names, people who make sure they are looked after, even during the colder months, putting bedding in a safe place for them. “Institutionalisation. Funny word. But it just means what you’re used to, what is normal to you!” APAA’s friends, ARA in ‘Cabanita’ just a few minutes outside of Loulé is a picturesque home for animals. A shelter beyond compare.

Animal Rescue Algarve’s founder Sid Richardson, had built the shelter almost with tooth and nail. Having fought the authorities and finally made a paradise for the abandoned unwanted pets. “The home-from-home they deserve.” Sid is a realist. “But we can’t keep every dog here, forever. They really need their own proper forever home, where they will see their days out, happily.”

‘Cabanita’ was designed and thought out carefully by Sid. ARA’s General Manager, João Ferreira, ensures both, volunteers and paid groups of people have one thing in common, the welfare of their furry friends. Behind the scenes, administrative staff, and teams running the parks, walks and feeding as cheerfully and helpfully as they can. “We wish we could find homes for all the animals straight away.” Everyone is agreed. “But finding the right home for the right animal is of paramount importance.” Don’t forget both associations have charity shops with lots of goodies and helpful informative staff.

‘Here to Help’ APAA and ‘Never Give Up’ ARA, are always ready to give advice or practical help. If you or know of any animal that needs help, please make contact with: