The ICNF report indicates that, between January 1st and September 30th, 7,191 rural fires broke out, resulting in 33,031 hectares (ha) of burned area, including settlements (18,888 ha), bushland (12,006 ha) and agriculture (2,137 ha).

”Comparing the values for the year 2023 with the history of the previous 10 years, it is noted that there were 43% fewer rural fires and 65% less burned area compared to the annual average for the period. The year 2023 presents, until September 30th, the 2nd lowest value in the number of fires and the 3rd lowest value in the burned area, since 2013”, states the provisional report on rural fires.

According to the ICNF, 84% of this year's rural fires had a burned area of less than one hectare, with only four fires recorded with a burned area greater than or equal to 1000 hectares.

The biggest fires that occurred this year were Odemira, which started on August 5th and consumed 7,513 hectares, and Castelo Branco, which also started on August 4th and burned 6,553 hectares.