The “Semana Vermelha” ('Red Week') initiative, which in addition to Portugal will take place in more than a dozen other countries, takes place with the red lighting of some public buildings, churches or monuments, in addition to debates on religious freedom.

In Portugal, one of the main monuments to be illuminated will be Cristo-Rei, in Almada, in the diocese of Setúbal.

“It is just a warning to the fact that, in the world, today, in too many countries, there is no religious freedom. The objective is to combat indifference towards a dramatic situation that affects millions of people”, informs the AIS Foundation, in a statement, adding that this initiative also aims to “draw the attention of people around the world to the issue, which is so often ignored, of the persecution of Christians.”

From the 17th to the 26th of November, in many parishes, moments of prayer will be held and in some dioceses, the most recent AIS report will be released.

“This report demonstrates, without a doubt, that religious freedom is strongly restricted in 61 of the 196 countries in the world and this represents a direct threat to 4.9 billion people”, says Catarina Martins de Bettencourt, president of the foundation in Portugal.

The AIS Foundation says that, in addition to Portugal, 'Red Week' will take place in more than a dozen countries, with initiatives planned in Australia, Brazil, Slovakia, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Canada, Mexico or Colombia.

“As a whole, there will be hundreds of buildings, churches, chapels, cathedrals, monuments and even castles, which will be lit up in red. But of all of them, there are two monuments that stand out. They are Christ the Redeemer, in Rio de Janeiro, and Christ the King, in Almada, in the Diocese of Setúbal”, adds the AIS Foundation.