The National Operational Directive (DON), which establishes the Special Device for Combating Rural Fires (DECIR), has been approved by the National Civil Protection Commission.

According to Lusa, there will be 14,155 ground elements and 3,173 vehicles during the period of greatest resource commitment, between July 1st and September 30th, called 'Delta level'.

In 2023, the number of operators involved in fighting fires between July and September was 13,891, which means that this year there are 264 more to fight fires.

The same happens with the available vehicles, which increase by 183, going from 2,990 vehicles to 3,173.

The season considered most critical for rural fires will this year feature 70 aerial assets, two fewer than in 2023.

The air resources that will not be available at DECIR this year are two ‘Canadair’ planes.