The Council of Ministers has been meeting and, according to several media outlets, will serve to approve the location of the future Lisbon Airport.

However, contrary to what was initially announced by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, there will be no press conference at the end of the Government meeting, but a statement to the country by Luís Montenegro, at 8:00pm.

The Independent Technical Commission published on March 11 the final report of the strategic environmental assessment of the new airport, maintaining the recommendation of a single solution in Alcochete or Vendas Novas, but pointed out that Humberto Delgado + Santarém “could be a transitional solution”.

In this solution, the commission refers to Santarém as a “complementary airport to AHD (Humberto Delgado), but with a limited number of movements, not allowing the necessary airport capacity to be met in the long term”, but “it would have the advantage of allowing it to overcome in the short term the conditions created by the concession contract, with the advantage of private financing”.

The PSD decided to set up an internal working group to analyse the location of the new Lisbon airport, after agreeing with the PS to set up a CTI to carry out the strategic environmental assessment.

The social democratic president, Luís Montenegro, guaranteed, before being elected prime minister, that the decision would be taken “during the first days” of government.