The criminal investigation, of a complex nature, is being conducted under the usual judicial secrecy, they also write in the same publication, appealing to "any citizen who sees or obtains information about the whereabouts of these men to call 112 immediately".

The text is accompanied by an image with the photographs and identities of each of the escaped inmates.

It should be noted that the escapees are two Portuguese citizens, Fernando Ribeiro Ferreira and Fábio Fernandes Santos Loureiro, a citizen of Georgia, Shergili Farjiani, of Argentina, Rodolf José Lohrmann, and of the United Kingdom, Mark Cameron Roscaleer, aged between 33 and 61.

They were sentenced to between seven and 25 years in prison, and their crimes include drug trafficking, criminal association, robbery, kidnapping and money laundering.

Following their escape from the Vale de Judeus Prison in Alcoentre, international arrest warrants have been issued for each of the men.

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