In a written response sent to Lusa, the GNR General Command states that, during that period, the officer is authorised to use “elastic sleeves” to hide the tattoos.

“If the officer does not remove them within the period stipulated for this purpose, he will commit a new offense. In this case, in addition to the initiation of a new disciplinary process, the suitability of opening a service dismissal process, provided for in the statute for Guard officers, may also be assessed”, it adds.

At the initiative of the commander-general, an officer may be dismissed whenever their behaviour indicates clear deviations from the status of a member of the Guard, in particular from the moral, ethical, military or technical-professional requirements required by his/her status and function.

The dismissal from service results in the termination of the functional link and the loss of the rights of a member of the Guard, without prejudice to the granting of a retirement pension under the terms of the law.

In question is a GNR officer of the Braga Command of the GNR who was given a 30-day suspended sentence for having tattoos on both forearms.

The suspension is contained in an order dated August 27, 2024, signed by the commander of the Braga Territorial Command.

The General Regulation of the GNR Service, in the version updated by an order dated October 22, 2021 of the commander-general, stipulates that soldiers may not have tattoos, or other forms of body art, below the elbow, or on the neck and head.