According to data released by the National Statistics Institute (INE), compared to August 2023, the most intense variation was recorded in the West and Tagus Valley (13.2%), with no decreases being recorded in any region.

Compared to July of this year, the Autonomous Region of the Azores showed the most significant increase compared to the previous month (3.5%), with no decrease being recorded.

In August, around 31,700 bank appraisals were carried out, which represents a decrease of 2.7% compared to the previous month and an increase of 29.0% year-on-year.

In the case of apartments, the median value of bank appraisals was 1,850 euros per m2, having increased by 8.4% compared to August last year.

The highest values ​​were observed in Greater Lisbon (2,461 euros/m2) and the Algarve (2,192 euros/m2), with the Centre recording the lowest value (1,213 euros/m2).

The Autonomous Region of the Azores showed the most significant year-on-year growth (13.8%), with no decrease recorded.

Compared to the previous month, the appraisal value of apartments rose by 1.8%, with the Autonomous Region of the Azores recording the largest increase (4.6%) and Madeira the sharpest decrease (-0.3%).

The median appraisal value for one-bedroom apartments increased by 40 euros, to 2,393 euros/m2, with two-bedroom apartments rising by 42 euros, to 1,895 euros/m2, and three-bedroom apartments increasing by 23 euros, to 1,642 euros/m2.

Together, these types accounted for 93.0% of apartment appraisals made in August.

In the case of houses, the median value of bank appraisals was 1,297 euros/m2, an increase of 8.4% compared to August 2023.

The highest values ​​were recorded in Greater Lisbon (2,420 euros/m2) and the Algarve (2,388 euros/m2), with the Centre and Alentejo having the lowest values ​​(1,019 euros/m2 and 1,028 euros/m2, respectively).

The Autonomous Region of Madeira showed the highest year-on-year growth (25.3%), with the lowest being recorded in Alentejo (0.8%).

Compared to the previous month, the appraisal value of houses rose by 1.2%, with the Autonomous Region of the Azores showing the highest growth (3.0%) and no decrease.

The median value of two-bedroom homes rose by 26 euros to 1,301 euros/m2, three-bedroom homes rose by 16 euros to 1,266 euros/m2 and four-bedroom homes rose by seven euros to 1,360 euros/m2.

Together, these types accounted for 88.8% of the home appraisals carried out in the period under analysis.

In August, Greater Lisbon, the Algarve, the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the Setúbal Peninsula and the Alentejo Coast had appraisal values ​​higher than the national median by 47.6%, 33.9%, 15.9%, 13.3% and 10.3%, respectively.

Alto Alentejo, Beiras and Serra da Estrela and Alto Tâmega and Barroso were the regions that presented the lowest values ​​in relation to the country's median (-50.4%, -46.2% and -45.9%, respectively).