The ministry of Francisca Van Dunem said in a statement that it asked, on Monday, the National Directorate of the PSP to open an inquiry to “determine the facts regarding the death of agent Fábio Guerra, with a view to the decision on the allocation of compensation to the heirs”.

Francisca Van Dunem also determined the creation of a Special Proximity Policing Program – called the Fábio Guerra Program –, which aims to promote security and peace and prevent crime in nightlife areas.

The minister also asks for the award of the Medal of Distinguished Public Security Services, to be given posthumously, to agent Fábio Guerra.

In the dispatch, Francisca Van Dunem points out “that agent Fábio Guerra ended up dying as a result of an act of generosity, when trying to restore public peace and revealing a superior sense of mission, deserving for this reason the due public recognition”.

Agent Fábio Guerra, 26, died on Monday at the Hospital de São José, in Lisbon, due to “severe brain injuries” suffered as a result of an attack.

On Monday night, the Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested three men, aged 24, 22 and 21, suspected of the murder of the PSP agent and assaults on four others, in the early hours of Saturday next to the MOME nightclub, in Lisbon.


One of the suspects involved in the attacks, a civilian, was released on Tuesday after being questioned by the Public Ministry, and the remaining two detainees, Navy marines, are due to be interrogated today by a criminal investigation judge.

The two marines are suspected of the agent's murder and of attacks on four other police officers, in the early hours of Saturday, and are being held in the military prison in Tomar.