According to the Centro Nacional de Cultura (CNC), promoter of the initiative, in partnership with the North American independent publisher Dzanc Books, the 11th edition of Disquiet - International Literary Program will run until July 7th, in several spaces in the city of Lisbon.

This year, the event, which has been held since 2011, will feature writers Rui Cardoso Martins, Gisela Casimiro, Ana Paula Tavares, José Gardeazabal, Susana Moreira Marques, Margarida Vale de Gato, Jacinto Lucas Pires, Afonso Cruz, João Tordo, Teolinda Gersão, Alice Neto de Sousa and José Luís Peixoto, in addition to photojournalist António Pedrosa.

The Portuguese-speaking authors will share their sessions with North American writers, including Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, Abigail Chabitnoy, Young Smith, Lili Loofborow, Erica Dawson, Mikael Awake, Chang Era Lee, Megan Fernandes, Deanne Fitzmaurice, Chris Arnold, Jessica Anthony, Timothy Liu, and Juan Martinez.

The program also counts on the participation of editors from American literary magazines such as Granta, The Common or The Rumpus.

Disquiet has planned for this year's edition a special session dedicated to Fernando Pessoa, which will be guided by Richard Zenith, American-Portuguese writer, translator and literary critic, author of “Pessoa. A biography,” edited last year by Quetzal.

According to the CNC, this literary program is based on the belief that “immersion in a foreign culture, in a different environment than usual, and the consequent break in routines, tend to stimulate creativity, opening up new perspectives and new angles of interpretation of the world.”

This results in “enrichment for all those who participate in it,” adds the same organisation, which has, since the first edition, the support of the Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and the Ministry of Culture.

The sessions of Disquiet - International Literary Program, some of which will be open to the general public, will take place at the CNC and at FLAD, but will also take place at Teatro São Luiz, Academia das Ciências, Fundação José Saramago, Teatro Nacional of São Carlos, the Ferin Bookstore, the Cloister of the Museum of São Roque and the Literary Grémio.