The formula that establishes how the increase in toll prices is calculated each year is set out in decree-law no. 294/97 and establishes that the variation to be practiced each year is based on the annual inflation rate without housing on the continent in the last month for which data is available before November 15.

According to data released by INE, that inflation reference stood at 1.94%.

Last year, the year-on-year evolution, without housing, on the continent exceeded 10%, a figure that led the Government to negotiate with the concessionaires a solution that resulted in an increase in toll prices in 2023 of 4.9%.

At the time, the then Minister of Infrastructure Pedro Nuno Santos, stated that in addition to the 4.9% increase borne by motorway users, a portion (2.8%) was the responsibility of the State and the remainder was "up to 9.5 % or 10.5% "supported" by the concessionaires”.

The solution found about a year ago provides, as compensation for the increase in 2023 having been limited to 4.9%, that concessionaires can, in the following four years, increase the toll update value that takes place by another 0.1% of the respective concession contracts.