In a statement, the coalition considers that the closure of public facilities is a “responsible attitude”, along with carrying out “urgent analyses”.

“In outbreak situations, quick responses are needed to act, which, in itself, also has to be swift, given the seriousness of the situation, in order to eliminate pockets of infection”, says the coalition.

For the coalition, the “seriousness of the situation” implies, “as a precaution”, the taking of “measures to eliminate outbreaks of spread”.

“Municipal swimming pools should be closed immediately and immediate investigation operations carried out through analysis, disinfection and cleaning of spaces. We are talking about public equipment that is used by thousands of people every day”.

For the O Concelho em Primeiro coalition, “prevention involves having a risk assessment, maintenance and immediate action plan”.

The number of people in the municipality of Caminha infected with legionella has risen to seven, a Public Health source told Lusa.

Speaking to journalists, the Alto Minho health delegate, Luís Delgado, said that the majority of patients “live within 500/600 metres” of an area of Vila Praia de Âncora that is being investigated.

“It could be an area where there is possibly air conditioning, a standpipe or irrigation equipment that could generate aerosols,” he explained.

The health delegate noted that there is “a large team, from environmental health and public health, on the ground identifying the situations”.