In 2021, 12,293 taxis were licensed in mainland Portugal, 4,646 in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and 1,509 in the Porto Metropolitan Area.

On the other hand, the municipalities with the lowest number of licenses are Constância and Cuba (4), Alvito and Mourão (2) and Barrancos (1).

In 2021, the total contingent and the total number of taxi licenses in Portuguese municipalities were different, taking into account that the contingent amounted to 13,470, there were 1,177 vacancies, with the total quota allocation level of 91 percent. There are municipalities that do not have vacancies to be allocated, that is, the number of active licenses is equal to the fixed quota.

In the current, recently updated legal regime, as well as in the previous one, the licensing of taxis for the transport of people with reduced mobility is foreseen, duly adapted to the specificities of this transport, and the respective licenses may be granted within the scope of the quota created for this purpose.