"On the 1st of May, International Workers' Day, workers in commerce, offices, and services in Portugal will be fighting for more wages, shorter hours, valorisation of careers and professions, and the fight against precariousness", said the CESP - Trade, Office and Services Workers Union of Portugal, affiliated to CGTP.

According to the union structure, these workers have "intense and unregulated working hours", working up to 18 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.

For the union, shops must close on all national holidays, as well as on Sundays, and from 10pm onwards.

Workers also demand a reduction in working hours to 35 hours a week.

"The salaries and careers of commercial workers cannot continue to lose purchasing power - we demand an end to professional stagnation and the updating of salaries in collective employment contracts without loss of rights", he stressed.

The Services Sector Workers' Union (Sitese), which belongs to UGT, also announced the strike of workers in commerce, offices, and services, namely companies affiliated to the Portuguese Association of Distribution Companies (APED), among the 00: 00 and 24:00 on May 1st.

The sector demands respect for International Workers' Day and contests the precarious nature of employment and working hours.

Workers also demand wage increases and respect for collective bargaining.