At issue is the transposition into national legislation of Directive 2014/89/EU, on which Brussels opened, in July 2023, an infringement procedure requiring Portugal to draw up and communicate its maritime spatial planning plans.
The EU legislation in question included a deadline of March 31, 2021, for Member States to draw up the plans in question and communicate them within three months of their publication, which Portugal did not fully comply with, with some maritime waters remaining to be covered.
Lisbon now has two more months to comply with the directive, under penalty of the case being brought before the EU Court of Justice.
This should be handled by the Commission in a friendly way.
Threats of a court case serve no one's interest.
By Shawn from Other on 23 May 2024, 23:42
Better just leave the EU and move on . Too many dictators on EU
By Joaquim Costa from USA on 25 May 2024, 13:13
Only problem is Joaquin Portugal would be bankrupt without the EU. Portugal has always dragged its feet in meeting deadlines-when it suits them. Just look at what happens with importing cars. They break the rules, they get fined but the income they generate from breaking the rules is greater than the fine.
By David Clark from Algarve on 27 May 2024, 06:30