Every summer, the biggest meteor shower of the year takes place and those who live in the Algarve or are just passing through the region can witness this phenomenon, according to Postal.
The Perseid meteor shower, also known as the Tears of Saint Lawrence, owes its name to the constellation of the same name, which emerges from the comet 109P Swift Tuttle, discovered in 1862.
The biggest meteor shower of the year began on 17 July and the phenomenon will last until at least 24 August. However, the peak of activity only occurs during one night in August. If you want to watch this meteor shower in the skies of the Algarve, just go outside on the night of 12 to 13 August (Monday to Tuesday).
To be able to observe the meteor shower, the main requirement is to choose an observation location away from light pollution. If you are in the Algarve, you can always go to a beach, as long as it is in an area with little lighting. Then, you should wait around 20 to 30 minutes for your eyes to adapt to the darkness.