HelloSafe has published for the first time its “HelloSafe Index” of country safety around the world, based on five categories of criteria: risk of natural disasters, violence in society, involvement in armed conflict, health infrastructure and militarisation.

Portugal comes in with a score of 25.01 points, allowing it to occupy 12th place in Europe and 15th place worldwide.

The three countries considered the safest to travel to in the world in 2024 are Iceland (18.23 points), Singapore (19.99 points) and Denmark (20.05 points).

The Philippines, Colombia and Mexico are the three least safe countries in the world in 2024, with 82.32 points, 79.21 points and 78.42 points, respectively.

Overall, Europe is the safest continent for travellers worldwide. European countries occupy 30 of the 50 safest places in the world.

It is worth noting the low ranking of France, which occupies only 80th place in the world and 34th in Europe, with a score of 36 points. This position is mainly explained by the terrorist threat, which is still very present in the country. At the bottom of the ranking are also Ukraine and Russia, affected by the conflict that has been raging between the two countries since 2022.