However, "in accumulated terms, in the eight months of 2024, 209,804 vehicles left factories in Portugal, that is, 5.3% less than in the same period of the previous year", indicates ACAP.

The majority of vehicles manufactured in Portugal are destined for the foreign market (97.9%), with Europe continuing to be the leader in exports. Germany (23.3%), Italy (13.4%), France (11.2%) and Spain (9.2%) lead the ranking of markets that receive cars manufactured in Portugal.

Of the vehicles produced in August, 8,701 were passenger cars, 3,818 were light goods vehicles and 55 were heavy vehicles.

ACAP also released data on the assembly of motor vehicles in Portugal, which show that "in August 2024, 14 heavy vehicles were assembled, representing an increase of 55.6% compared to the same month in 2023".

"In cumulative terms, from January to August 2024, the assembly of heavy vehicles showed a growth of 74.6% compared to the same period in the previous year, representing 199 vehicles assembled in 2024", notes the association, and "in the eight months of 2024, only heavy passenger vehicles were assembled".