In a briefing at the headquarters of the National Emergency
and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC), in Carnaxide, taking stock of the
fires in Portugal, Commander André Fernandes added that on Thursday there were
91 fires in mainland Portugal, of which 84 were resolved quickly.
Another seven took more than an hour and a half to be
controlled and three of these were still active today, in Benespera, in Guarda,
in Marzagão, in the municipality of Carrazeda de Ansiães (District of
Bragança), and in Ourém, in Santarém, after the fire in Sever do Vouga had been
ruled as being out, today around noon.
Firefighting in Ourém “is evolving favourably”, with 439
operational personnel, 135 vehicles and three air assets in operation.
In Guarda, the right flank of the fire in Benespera remained
with 90% of the fire under control and the remaining fire perimeter was under
resolution, occupying 225 operational personnel, supported by 80 vehicles and
an air force.
The fire in Carrazeda de Ansiães has two active fronts and
was of concern to civil protection “due to its extent and, above all, because
it is in an area of difficult access for on-foot forces”, said André
Fernandes, noting that this fire was being fought by 226 operational, 73
vehicles and four air assets.
André Fernandes highlighted that so far there have been
minor injuries, but nothing relevant in relation to damage or injuries in the
fight against these fires.