The app, Denúncia Estacionamento (Report Parking), is free to download from the Google Play store.
The app explains that users can “send a complaint about parking to the respective authorities”. To use it, all you have to do is install it and then fill in some details about the situation, including the location, type of car and problem with the parking, then the application creates an email and sends it to the respective police force.
According to a report by Postal, the police have confirmed that they follow up on citizens' complaints in this way, in accordance with the provisions of article 170.5 of the Highway Code.
The application covers all regions of the country and foresees a series of parking illegalities, such as: cars parked in handicapped spaces or parked in front of a traffic light.
João Pimentel Ferreira, the programmer who developed the app, explains to Polígrafo that the purpose of creating the app was “to report infractions in light of the highway code, mainly related to illegal parking”.
“Initially ANSR issued a statement to the police regarding the app, stating that a person would have to go to the police station to identify themselves, but then I developed means for users to authenticate themselves through the Digital Mobile Key, which, for legal purposes, is equivalent to the required presence”.
The alert is sent to the authority: PSP, GNR or Municipal Police that is closest to the place of occurrence, or, if the user prefers, a general email is sent to the PSP or GNR.
The police cannot accept anonymous complaints, “because the person is required to present themselves as a witness, so that the offender receives the fine”.
Oh boy. I have just found new hobby :D. Need another app for speed limit
By SS from Porto on 24 May 2023, 16:10
Does this mean I can report illegally parked camper vans that blight many neighbourhoods?
If not why not?
By James from Algarve on 24 May 2023, 17:22
Indeed a new hobby! 5 minutes walk in my neighbourhood will result in 100's wrongly parked cars. (there's this new build unused parking lot for over 400 cars, its empty for months!)
By Lior from Lisbon on 25 May 2023, 14:01
I haven't looked at the app, but I wonder if we can send a photo when reporting. Can we report obstructive pavement parking, parking on or too close to pedestrian crossings, on bends, where parking is forbidden by the presence of road signs. If we could that would be great, but would the Police actually do anything. Where I live, we have pavements totally blocking pedestrian access and where people are forced to walk in the road. In my view, vehicle parking needs a damn good shake-up in Portugal. Anyway this app might be a step in the right direction!
By Richard Coombe from UK on 15 Sep 2023, 18:12