In a statement, IL do Porto argues that the investment of 66 million euros in the 'metrobus' is "a colossal mistake for the mobility of Porto residents".

"The 'metrobus' is 90% bus, 10% metro and 0% solution", says coordinator of IL do Porto, Albino Ramos, adding that the “glorified buses” of the new service “do not contribute, or contribute marginally, to real transformations in the way Porto's residents move around the city".

For IL, "the entire process deserves criticism", whether for the project, "lack of information" and communication to the city, as well as for the work itself, with "totally unrealistic completion deadlines, daily changes to traffic flows, reduced signage and confusion, minimal shelters and reduced passage spaces".

"The lack of alignment and the short term that guides these decisions is thus clear, a protection that is alien to the needs of the cities and a PRR [Recovery and Resilience Plan] that is being destroyed in a half-solution", says Albino Ramos.

The party's criticism extends to the Porto Chamber, which it accuses of "embarrassing silence" in relation to the work.

"Porto City Council, even though it is not directly responsible for the work nor for Metro do Porto, cannot be exempt, as it has had an embarrassing silence regarding this solution, except for asking for more parking spaces and fewer dedicated areas The Porto City Council must represent our concerns and defend a structured, functional and lasting solution", consider the liberals, who supported the candidacy of Rui Moreira's independent movement in the 2021 municipal elections.

Speaking to Lusa, the mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, stated that the party's criticism of the project, presented two years ago, "comes late".

"The only thing that seems inappropriate and pathetic to me is to criticize when the project is underway", considered the independent mayor, remembering that the 'metrobus' is a solution adopted by several European cities and that it is essential for the energy transition of the city.