The ranking followed criteria such as visa-free travel, taxation, global perception, the possibility of acquiring dual citizenship and personal freedom.

The Nomadic Passport Index notes that “citizens of different countries face very different requirements to pay taxes, live freely, comply with regulations and avoid scrutiny when travelling. In this sense, the number of countries a passport holder can visit does not tell the whole story.”

Switzerland occupies first place as the most powerful passport in the world, taking the place that last year was occupied by the United Arab Emirates, which dropped to sixth place, alongside the Netherlands, Germany and New Zealand.

Nomad Capitalist, regarding Portugal's position states that “Portugal tied with Ireland on everything except personal freedom, emphasizing its continued appeal, while Finland – known for its vast visa-free travel options – now ranks fourth, highlighting the importance of global accessibility”

Bulgaria climbed 10 places, from 42nd to 32nd, in part due to its integration into Europe's Schengen zone.