The IPMA predicts "partly cloudy or clear skies" and "sometimes strong winds in the western coastal strip and in the highlands", with gusts that can reach "up to 60 kilometres per hour".

Furthermore, there will be a "temperature rise", especially related to the "the maximums", which will be felt more in the "South region".

The Évora district today records a maximum temperature of 34ºC, followed by Beja (33ºC), Santarém (32ºC), Portalegre, Castelo Branco and Setúbal (31ºC) and Faro (30ºC). On the islands of Funchal, in Madeira, and Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, thermometers will not exceed 26ºC.

The Lisbon region has a minimum of 16ºC and a maximum of 28ºC, while Porto records 14ºC and 26ºC, respectively.