Luís Montenegro offered to “explain by repeating what he said” at the PSD Congress, when he promised that, if he becomes prime minister, the value will rise for the Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly (CSI) to 820 euros at the end of the next legislature.

The PSD president rejected any lapse or trick, given the criticism directed at him, particularly by candidates for the PS leadership, who challenged him to clarify further to whom the measure applied.

“I can explain, repeating what I said, I hope that everyone has the honesty to recognize it”, he said, repeating that the PSD, if it comes into Government, will update all pensions “at least” according to the formula provided for by law and will not cut “ one cent” in pensions.

Thirdly, he added, the PSD is committed to changing the CSI reference value so that it reaches the reference value of 820 euros in 2028 (currently it is 488 and in the next year it will be 530 euros).

Asked if there is no confusion between the increase in pensions and the increase in the CSI, he responded negatively, saying that he always talked about income.

“What I assure every Portuguese person who is in a position to retire is this: in 2028 they will have a minimum income of 820 euros”, he repeated.